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chuckles2024 73M
691 posts
9/4/2024 12:15 pm

Several years ago, my doctor told me that I had high blood pressure
He gave me medication and I take it daily.
I have a monitor that I use on a regular basis.
Average 100/65.
However, when I go for a visit, my reading is usually 140/85.
His office is always 70 degrees or less.
I keep my house at 80 degrees.
When I'm out in the sun, my reading is usually 90/60.
Does anyone have a similar experience?

chuckles2024 73M
589 posts
9/4/2024 12:16 pm

All comments accepted.
Good luck to all.

chuckles2024 73M
589 posts
9/4/2024 12:24 pm

This is why I spend the fall, winter and early spring in my FL home.

theowner2020 65M
1266 posts
9/4/2024 12:48 pm

Bring your monitor to the doc's office and compare them?

chuckles2024 73M
589 posts
9/4/2024 12:58 pm

    Quoting theowner2020:
    Bring your monitor to the doc's office and compare them?
I've done that on several occasions, and they always were the same.
Thanks for your comment.
Have a good day.

rope_n_cuffs 78M  
973 posts
9/4/2024 1:38 pm

Isn't this called "white-coat syndrome"? Attractive nurse handling you in stressful surroundings? Whose blood pressure wouldn't go up?

I had almost the reverse in a heart stress test. I had been dosed with medication to raise my heart rate and it wasn't working, so they sent over a lovely young nurse who touched my arm gently and whispered in my ear "Could you think of something exciting to get your heart rate up."


Dave54321 62M
2921 posts
9/4/2024 1:46 pm

80f sounds quite warm to me, but then I'm from the UK.
There's only about 3 months when it would be naturally be
that hot. I guess you are used to it.
I only heat my house to around 71f.

I've heard of something called "White coat hypertension".
It's not uncommon for peoples blood pressure to go up when
they go to see a doctor. This is said to be due to the stress of going
to see the doctor, even though they might not be aware of feeling stressed.
Anyway, just a thought.

pzkw 64M
1798 posts
9/4/2024 2:45 pm

    Quoting Dave54321:
    80f sounds quite warm to me, but then I'm from the UK.
    There's only about 3 months when it would be naturally be
    that hot. I guess you are used to it.
    I only heat my house to around 71f.

    I've heard of something called "White coat hypertension".
    It's not uncommon for peoples blood pressure to go up when
    they go to see a doctor. This is said to be due to the stress of going
    to see the doctor, even though they might not be aware of feeling stressed.
    Anyway, just a thought.
Yeah, I've heard of the "White coat hypertension" thing. I think it's happened to me a couple of times.

PaulaNJ17 74T  

9/4/2024 3:11 pm

The other thing (in addition to white coat syndrome) that is occuring is that in the cooler temperatures, the blood vessels constrict, causing the blood pressure to rise. Conversely, going into warmer places; such as in the sun will cause the vessels to dilate, dropping the pressure.

Kahlan2 88F
290 posts
9/4/2024 7:07 pm

When I go to the Dr, they use the machine to take my blood pressure. It hurts, my pressure goes up. I had a foot infection. Had home health in.It didn't hurt when they took my blood pressure. My readings were normal. Took the readings to the Dr. I no longer take medication for that.

chuckles2024 73M
589 posts
9/5/2024 12:50 am

Thanks to all for your comments.

Steven19633 61M
19 posts
9/5/2024 2:16 pm

I always suffer from "white coat syndrome" My BP is always higher there.

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