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pac369 65F  
10730 posts
8/22/2024 10:05 pm

Last Read:
8/28/2024 8:38 pm

You're probably too old anyway!

Ouch! He also said my parts don't work right either. All because I did not agree with him. Because I seek a Dom who has similar beliefs to me.

All his response did was confirm my intuition about him. What could I say? Fuck you? Fuck off?. I just sink to his level if I say that.

I said "Make sure you get your dig in! Hope it made you feel good" !

I do not need to be reminded about my age from a Dom who contacted me first. And expressed immense interest in me.

As a woman in our superficial culture, it is thrown in my face every day. Aging is beyond my control as it happens to us all.

I just ask this... If you do not have something good to say about me or my appearance. Then just don't say a damn thing!

pac369 65F  
13104 posts
8/22/2024 10:06 pm

No Dom should insult you or make you feel bad about yourself!!

mstraesop53 70M  
1953 posts
8/22/2024 10:18 pm

At a retirement party, a speaker got up and said about the retiree, "He was the boss, and when he gave you an order, you wanted to do it." That is what I'm looking for from a sub.

pac369 replies on 8/22/2024 10:22 pm:
And that is how it should be ms.
A sub wanting to obey her Dom! Not being forced to...

fastmover1000 61M  
230 posts
8/22/2024 10:23 pm

I think that an older gal that is comfortable with herself and her needs/wants is sexy.. Who cares what some troglodyte with a limited understanding of what you are willing to present, for what it is worth.. Live your life for you. It's too short to lose sleep over someone that cant get their head around what you have to offer.. I'm older as well and find older gals sexy, AF..

pac369 replies on 8/22/2024 10:34 pm:
Thanks fast!

I appreciate your supportive comments.

And I am just venting as I do not like holding onto this
type of shit. And when I wake up tomorrow, I will not remember
him at all.

Toy_Master_54 70M  
633 posts
8/22/2024 10:34 pm

Too many fakes, fools and wannabes, prove it every day, when they type something. The don't realize there is a difference in being dominant and domineering, or worse.

pac369 replies on 8/23/2024 10:24 am:
For sure TM!

I totally agree with you...

ASpecialMaster 77M  
92 posts
8/22/2024 10:45 pm

Well I think you're just plain hot! sweet young thing.....

pac369 replies on 8/23/2024 10:25 am:
Ahhhh thanks A!

Suxsexfool 41M
2 posts
8/23/2024 12:46 am

I'm sorry that you had to deal with some of the "Less Gifted" population. It speaks pretty clearly of who you are, when you can afford these "Soul Suckers" the Grace that you did, even after their deeply insulting approaches to you and what it is that you offer. I welcome an exchange with you, with anticipation and hunger. Hold fast to who and what you are and share that with me... I will reciprocate. Keep Smiling... Cheers.

pac369 replies on 8/23/2024 10:28 am:
Thank you S!

I appreciate your supportive comments...

Suxsexfool 41M
2 posts
8/23/2024 1:10 am

I am saddened when I hear what some "Less Educated" subjects spew forth as Truth and Reality. I actually hold my breath, while hoping that I get to touch a soul such as yours. Please don't trouble yourself with the Ignorant units out there. There are so many and it will confuse you as to what is actually important. You are the only Important subject in this evolving relationship. It is YOU and only YOU that direct where this all goes. I would be grateful to be a part of it all and truly hope that I could make you feel that way. Love & Hugs to you, Baby. I'm right here waiting for you...

pac369 replies on 8/23/2024 10:32 am:
Thank you again S!

RinBoots 71F  
155 posts
8/23/2024 1:46 am

You are never too old. Just be yourself and enjoy .

pac369 replies on 8/23/2024 10:34 am:
Thanks R...

I just need me a pair of those red boots!
Just fabulous!

bdsmDOMdaddy 61M
4792 posts
8/23/2024 6:53 am

you’re hoT Pac beauty has no age…you did right thing they stoop low you remain go high!
I’d be happy to be your protector! lol

pac369 replies on 8/23/2024 10:35 am:
Thank you bdsmDom!

drmgirl622 69F  
26832 posts
8/23/2024 7:10 am

You are right not to sink to his level. Walk away with your head held high knowing you ARE good enough.

pac369 replies on 8/23/2024 10:35 am:
I hear you drmgirl!


accent11 65M
60 posts
8/23/2024 7:12 am

Lots of fake Doims around. I find mature women so much hotter than younger, they know who they are and what they want. You are a very sexy desirable woman and don't ever apologize to some fool because of his shortcomings

pac369 replies on 8/23/2024 10:37 am:
Good to know there are many who do agree with your thoughts a!

Thanks for the comments...

sletje1999 24F
139 posts
8/23/2024 8:03 am

It's a good test to try to disagree with someone on something. You don't have to invent a disagreement, there are always things you like less than the other. If they are mature and educated they will find the common things and talk about them. If they are insecure, they will want to argue about that specific point and not let go of it anymore. And eventually get insulting as a last resort. With a bit of exercise you can avoid the insulting part
But if someone starts to insult you as part of an argument, you know that it's definitely time to say goodbye, they are just sucking up your energy for no good at all.

pac369 replies on 8/23/2024 10:39 am:
Ohhh I do agree sletje...

Unfortunately, there are many who will turn to insults to make themselves feel better...

sletje1999 24F
139 posts
8/23/2024 8:40 am

    Quoting pac369:
    No Dom should insult you or make you feel bad about yourself!!
One little mistake with that. If he would be a Dom, he would never do that. People needing to insult others have not enough self confidence to ever be a real Dom.

pac369 replies on 8/23/2024 10:40 am:
Yeah, totally agree!

JohnnyLightning 65M  
10160 posts
8/23/2024 10:19 am

His nasty comments are uncalled for.

Howling at the moon and mal ad osteo.

pac369 replies on 8/23/2024 11:06 am:
Thank you JL!

I do think you are right...

Dave54321 62M
2848 posts
8/23/2024 2:58 pm

Oh Pac! - Say it ain't so!
And I thought it was just that I was the wrong side of the Atlantic.
Now you tell me I'm too old?

Oh; you're not talking about me. Oh; it's someone else.

"He also said my parts don't work right either".
How rude! How would he know, he failed to qualify to find out?
He proved himself unworthy of your time or attention.

Vent away Pac. I know it's hard sometimes not to listen to these things,
but try to ignore these morons. They are not true Dom's. They are just
bullies, using the label of Dom to try to get what they want without
working for it. (Not that I claim to be any great authority on the lifestyle).
Stick to your principles. These fake Dom's are not worthy of you.

I don't know why these people can't just accept it, if a conversation doesn't
lead to anything. All they have to do is thank you for the conversation, wish
you luck in your search & move on.
Anyway; I'm sure your parts will work just fine when stimulated by the right
Dom. Although he'll probably start by stimulating your brain, because he will
have one.

pac369 replies on 8/23/2024 5:26 pm:
Ohhh Dave, it is so unfortunately...

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful comments.

Your last line sums it up perfectly though... I want and need a Dom who stimulates my brain, because he will have one!

RobertBishop 66M  
2279 posts
8/24/2024 8:31 am

A few years ago, a wise person told me he refused to engage in on-line arguments, as people use the anonymity of social media to say things to people - even friends - that they would never say to them in person.
That coincides with one of those Rules of Live that your mamma was supposed to have taught you - if you cannot say something nice to a person, don't say anything.
As the song says, wash those negative thoughts out of your hair. Don't forget that here, you're among friends.

pac369 replies on 8/24/2024 6:47 pm:
He certainly seems like a wise person RB!

Thank you so much for your support...

jaykay48 76M
11504 posts
8/24/2024 6:25 pm

Older women know the songs.

pac369 replies on 8/24/2024 6:48 pm:
Amen to that jaykay!

Xplorer15 62M/59F
610 posts
8/27/2024 5:56 pm

Never mind age.
I just want to chant, "Go pac Go!"

pac369 replies on 8/27/2024 8:06 pm:
Ahhh thanks X!

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