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My Blog

Everything is connected with everything, everything is a form of energy

I am back at my own place, again
Posted:Nov 11, 2024 12:38 pm
Last Updated:Nov 12, 2024 1:15 pm

So, it is soo nice to be at my own place, again.

I am a bit tired, it takes a lot of energy, to keep up.
This winter depression is sucking the living daylight out of me.
Waking up gets me tired, allready.....

So, caring for my sister is heavy now.
She knows this and that is allright.

For this month i dont think, i have to go to her place, anymore
Although we also have a lot of fun, laugh a lot, enjoy each others company, cook together.

And since i dont mind asking the difficult questions, she is very happy with me.
Because she does not dare to start talking about those difficult stuff on her own.

All is good & tired, beyond believe.

She is now in a state that is is going to pick a fight, over stuff
It is rather funny, to see her create an argument

She told me; you are my guinnea pig, i am going to get angry about stuff and going to put my foot down!
I laughed, said; you dont frighten me, at all!
I am not impressed!

So she is in a totall other mood, and i am glad she got there.
It is about time, she is getting real mad!!
We argued the other day, about something not really very important, but i did not understood her arguments.
So i kept asking about it.
Then she really got angry and told me; Because i say so!
It made me laugh, told her; allright, allright, you win!

She laughed too!

Later she apologized about the "argument", i told her,
No, that is not how this works!
You stay by your argument! dont apologize!

Then she got real angry again and told me so!
To me, that is real fun, to see her like that,

As i said before, i iam not impressed.
I am not scared or afraid,

so it is safe for her, to find her way, in all this new territory...

I can only be very proud of her, and her progress....
Every time,
Posted:Nov 7, 2024 1:28 am
Last Updated:Nov 8, 2024 1:25 am

Every time, and time again,
When a population choices a red/ right wing government

Those government always almost have old geezers as the folks who hold the power.

All those old, almost all the old geezers have terribe big personal issues, did not evolve with the ever changing society... stuck in their ways ,of behaviour, thinking.

Everytime again,
Those right wing governments destroy the whole social safety net, for those in this society, world, that are not rich, did not get the right education, did not have the right connection to get .....
You name it.
E-V-E-R-Y T-I-M-E!

I have seen some of those right wing governments destroying that socal safety net, over here in Holland, time and time again.

And since that orange head is brankrupt,
And since the us is that, too, this will be getting real nice. - NOT.

That older gentleman i correspond with, told me that, too
He lives in the US,
He also did not understood this "desire?"to make things kaput, in society?

You can do your own research, check out the last... say 20 elections? , see what went on, in society, as result of those elections?

Did they build, made the society stronger for those who cant..?
Or did they killed all social safety net works, for those in need?
With the result, a much more troubled society, with a lot of less safety...

Wich results in more violence against women, and elderly, minorities,

Good job done! amp; amp;
some years back,
Posted:Nov 6, 2024 1:22 pm
Last Updated:Nov 8, 2024 9:46 am

I met this man, he was very, very full of himself

About 'BEING' dominant.....

I never felt it, with him.
To me, he was always very nervous and all over the place, no controle, what so ever....
over any part of his life, and or eating pattern....

In the years i lost contact with this person, and i was very fine, with that,
he was totally unreliablle to me.
Stay away!! from him.
He was all talk, about bdsm, the game, the play, very into himself!

The other day, i saw him again.....
I looked him straigth in the eye and said; hello... ( just bein nice, acknowledge him, as a human being)
He got totally panicky, did not know where to look and walked on.

I was flabbergasted and wanted to laugh out loud.
Whát the heck!?

So, he too, showed his true colours....amp;
I am glad my instinct prevented me, from getting involved with him.

Just an other totally fucked up vanilla, who does not know, or understand shit about the emotional part of the whole D/s connection.

afraid of mé.......!?
Posted:Nov 6, 2024 12:56 pm
Last Updated:Nov 6, 2024 1:28 pm

To all the people, with half a working brain....

For the results of this "election",

There is not much left, that will safe you.... or our planet, i am afraid.......

This, ofcourse, is just my oppinion
Not "the true" - although i think - the true - ? has left the building in this case.

Good luck to all of us,
A treat!
Posted:Oct 31, 2024 2:11 am
Last Updated:Nov 6, 2024 12:51 pm

I was at a birthday party of this friend of mine,
it was nice, talked with some very nice folks.

Then, all of a sudden, she asks if i want to go dancing?
SUre!! i Would love to!
So, we are planning to go to a dancing event,
It starts in the afternoon!!! huh>?

Anyway, looking forward to that!
An other up coming event, is a High Tea Party,

because i am the caregiver to my sister.
it is a way of the local government to say; thank you for all your hard work!

it is at my sisters village, in a very nice restaurant, in the mids of a great forest.
And although i dont eat wheat, dairy or egg, or .... some others stuff,

i will go there, take my own goodies with me, as i am use to do, everywhere i go.
He asked about it!
Posted:Oct 29, 2024 11:00 am
Last Updated:Oct 31, 2024 1:52 am

It was sooo funny, this man, who is taking care of my Cato Cabrio/ Karel, and more nonsense names, i use...

Wanted to talk about the situation with Russia and Korea, It is a mess, ofcourse.

He wanted to know my oppinion....
I felt trapped... some way, somehow...

So, i said; Yeah, well, it are mén, who are creating/ making war?
killing all and everything?
so what do you expect from me?
As an answer?

He did not know, how to react.
So, i asked him, do you really want to know, hear what i have to say, about all that?

Yeah, yeah, he wanted to know....
Oh boy! was he in for a shock!! LOL

Poor man.

So, i told him, that guy in Isreal, that madman in the Us, all those old geezers in those Eastern/Central Azie? That psychopate in Russia?
That very dangerous man, in government in Holland?
They should have been castrated, by the age of 17, or about their first wet dream.

THAT would end a lot of missery, all that women abuse, all the **** youknowwhat****\

Thát all will not take place, if those geezers are castrated.
Alright, we need some guys left to help build houses, bridges,
produce .

The mayority of men, can easily be castrated,
We are already with way too many people on this planet.

So... a very ackward silence was his reaction, he stood up, walked around
told me, i was scary.

I told him, You wanted to know my view on this?

look at it, in rational way
You knów this is the solution,
This will end a hell of a lot of problems, in the world, all over the planet.

If the situation was the other way around, men would already have been taken care of this problem, the same way...
But, oh, boy, oh boy, dont talk or touch the ôl holy reproduction system of men!

The holy penis!!!

Men, doctors have been using exactly this same "solution" on women in India, to
put an end to the overproduction of offspring.

Misguiding those women and their husbands, to come to healthcentre to get a shot, i believe it was against mumps? German Measles? ,
and get a radio for free, on batteries, (ofcourse) so when the batteries were dead, they did not have any use of that radio, anymore...

Those women where told, to get that shot, they needed to have full anesthesia.
While those women were under, they sterilized those women.
WIthout their consent, without them knowing what was happening

Only after some years after that socalled shot, they found out, they could no longer get pregnant.
And in that old system in the country side, in India, those were needed to help work on the land... ( like here to, a long time ago)

Almost no one knows this! It is all kept secret and silent.

But, OOOH, OOH, dont you dare to suggest this, as an easy solution to a world wide problem, with crazy mad men destroying OUR planet... for years and years now....

Be aware of the holy penis! LMAOFF, ROFL, LOL


Dont ask, if you cant handle the answer.... / solution....

Mé? radical? extreme?

This situation asks for extreem solutions, if we want to safe OUR MOTHER PLANET.
My bike!
Posted:Oct 21, 2024 12:25 pm
Last Updated:Oct 23, 2024 6:14 am

I am soo happy, getting my bike more and more ready,
for the big adventure!

I have finally found a real great sadle, have found a real good bicycle shop,
who are trustworty and good.
They are ordering the right tools for me,

They understand, i only need the bare minimun of tools
spare tire, etc.
They dont fuck me over, with trying to sell me, all kind of tools, i dont need,
As that other shop tried.....

I need some more chains and padlocks for on the way.

They offered me, to check my bike, before i go, so everything will be safe, as safe can be.

I am preparing the bike bags now,
how much food, how much clothes, how much tools?
Can i store in those bags?

enjoying myself tremendously!
People picker?
Posted:Oct 21, 2024 11:54 am
Last Updated:Nov 12, 2024 1:16 pm

As they say on FET when things keep going wrong with the male partst of those sites,
Your people picker is broken.

And, i believe mine is broken indeed.

Because, you/i , who ever, can keep blaming those guys that they dont match
Are rude, r~Ape~ 8888 ists.. or what ever disqualification you want to give them.

The thing is, they react onto something that is in your vibe.
At least, that is what i believe by now.

Sure, most guys on here, are dangerous, psychos, narcist, and you name it
cheating on their wifes.. and what not.
Why do they find your profile, text, pictures soo "interesting" that they seak contact?

There must be something there.....
I also believe this is almost subconscious, from both those men and the women,'
They seem to find "attractive" in some way or order...

Mind you!
There is no blame here!

it is something i have been thinking, analyzing for some time
and also researching my own background
You can say, i did not come from a stable, harmonious family life,

So i dont have that kind of example, i have very bad example.
So it is almost "natural" that my people picker is broken
with that kind of background..

and even now, the guys i sometimes find attractive, are not the kind of guys you want your or , come home with...

So, i can keep on blaming those guys and there are a lot of rotten apples on here
Be very, very carefull!

When you/i, who ever, dont see, their part in all this, this will repeat itselfs till kingdoms comes....
what to do?
Be aware of this, is the first step,
analyze your own behaviour toward the type of men, you find attractive,
is an other one.

Break the cycle!! Is an other one!!
My advise to me;?
Keep away from guys, for now
Untill you have this sorted out.

Be, constantly aware of your own reaction toward a certain type of men... man...
Hold yourself back.

An other thing, i have found, is why do some married men, are so Hot on me?
What are my signs??
what, where is my inner power/love?

And, when i just talk with them and "see" their game?
They inmediately lose interest...
Strange? isnt it?

Am i sooo desperately?
Wanting A guy?
as long as he is breathing, have a pulse?
Is it only about getting some sort of "attention"?
does not matter what kind of "attention"?

Vanillas dont do it for me.
There is nothing i find attractive in vanilla men, at all
what is it?
I have nothing in common with vanilla men, relation wise of sexuality wise.

What do i, subconscious, send out?
peope picker??

Looking for something totally else, in a person, characterwise, power wise, inner strenght wise... inner compass?
Leading, guidance.

What do i have to offer such a person?
Is what i have to offer, what he needs/wants?
Is it enough?
Are he and i compatible, on the important items, relationwise? M/s wise?

So, the person(s) with the most deep intelligent, psychological insight, wisdom,
may answer this rambling!

Watch out for your own people picker, he/she/ it might be broken,
that is why, i think, you/i/ who ever, attracks those morrons

Because there are very good, emotional stable, fully grown up, fun guys on here,
so why dont they write to you/me/ who ever??
ask yourself that.
or not!
Happy home, again!
Posted:Oct 17, 2024 12:51 pm
Last Updated:Oct 21, 2024 11:24 am

For more then 14 days!
it is party time!
But not really.
I have to do a lot of work in my garden, to prepare it.
And i am deadly tired... so not much action, as of yet.....

Who knows?
Maybe the weekend i will be getting the spirit and get at it!

The cat is happy too, that i am back again, i am allowed to touch him,
Yeah, makes me happy.

Not much news on the SM -DS part, ofcourse....

Still preparing for my leaving this country.

I already got a friend offering a lift to go all the way to Spain,
In his truck.
Me and my bike.
And, although i really, really appreciate his offer,
I wont be doing this trip on my own, then... anymore.....

It would be nice and great company and good conversations...

It is an offer i dont have to take, or can take it just half way the big tour?!

Politics are getting scarier and scarier in this country
WIth his New PM, he is really something...
If you look into his eyes, there is nothing there!
Just very dark empty space.... No soul.
He likes to rule and divide, put people up against each other..
create fear in the government....
Dating? And deep fake porn?
Posted:Oct 12, 2024 10:06 am
Last Updated:Oct 13, 2024 12:25 am

The "boys" have been bussy.
Online dating has become a real danger.
If that was not already the case.

I did read about it,
Dating and asking for pictures
Just innocent hollyday picture, beach pictures, all very decent.

BOEM, and before you know it, "they? Try to blackmail you with a video, in wich you are masturbating, all very real, your face on it, and all.
Aint that nice....?

I was always very reluctant to sent pictures.
Never liked it much...

I prefer the real meaning of A Bind Date.

To some i did send a picture, not really very clear, close_up..
It is about the overall picture, isnit?

So, dating?
I dont have the time for it now.
Going on my bike tour, who needs a boring guy? With just one active braincell, and that is NOT situated in the head on his neck...LOL

And i must say, i am not that much interested anymore...
Most men, Or should i say; most vanilla men?
i find very boring, childish, ego centric little ...

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