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My Blog

Everything is connected with everything, everything is a form of energy

Posted:Apr 6, 2017 4:11 am
Last Updated:Apr 19, 2017 11:14 am

For most people on here, ALT is just a way to escape the hassle of the day, with the boss or the wife, or what not....
Just a way to live for a very short time in a fantasy, in wich they RULE, not matter what...

All fantasialand, that is why so many men put you on their hotlist, without even looking if there is a match..... or if it is even logical what they are doing....

because the only norm they use, is do you, somehow, fit their fantasy? Do you or your writings stimulate, trigger their fantasy in some way?

Because their whole and only purpose here, is ESCAPISM from their pathetic little boring lifes...

They are in no way, shape or form ever capable of BEING something even close to dominance...or submission, ...... only in their fantasy.....
they fantasise about it and that is free...

You can fantasise about all and everything.... just dont forget that its just THÁT.
There is were they miss big time.... time and time again.... They all get very, very upset if you dont want to play along in their little fantasy game...
Start cursing you; trying to humiliate you, by doing so, showing how they lack, on soo many levels...
" you are not a sub!? you are fake!?" Sure....

And they are right, i am fake, to their fantasy, that is....

Oh, and always, always, want to have to last word... no matter what..... giggles....

I feel sorry for them... i do.....

i get the most bizar mail from men, who really have no clue whatsoever, and especially not about who i am...
Not interested too.... as long as they, in their little fantasy,
can 'dominate'(?) me... = fuck me to dead.... yawn.....

boooringgggg! so, so, terrible boring... yawn.....

My life is very, very real and how i chose it to be... no need for escapism.
My life is whole, as it is.
The man who understands & captures my submissive and masochistic heart is really, really wanted, loved and honored.

it has not always been easy but who told life would be easy? You learn, you struggle, you grow... you are proud of your own achievement, you like what you see, everyday in the mirrow. Thát is what counts.
No need for escapism here.

Stay safe and sane,
Spring! Spring is in the air!
Posted:Apr 3, 2017 11:29 am
Last Updated:Apr 4, 2017 10:26 pm

it is gradually getting warmer, over here... I love it!
I can sleep without pyjama's again! finally.... ánd.....ánd..... without bedsocks!
Yes! i do wear bedsocks! very sexy, i know!

I dont have to put the cv ( central heating ) on in the morning, just put some candles on, that is enough,
to warm the kitchen and livingroom...

ánd, on top of that, i have been washing/cleaning my windows!
my god, was that necessary!

Só much more light in my house now! it is almost hurting my eyes! , hahaha

It is spring! almost... sometimes it still freezes in the night... brrrr..
i cant stand the cold.
The garden is my next project.... i am happy.
i feel a blog post is coming up....
Posted:Apr 3, 2017 7:43 am
Last Updated:Dec 11, 2024 8:38 am

This is something that bugs me a lot... for a while now....

I think i might be just tóó simple... to work this out on my own....

So, now i am lost.... hahaha later.... maybe
I feel.... I feel.....
Posted:Apr 2, 2017 9:14 am
Last Updated:Dec 11, 2024 8:38 am

I feel like a ship without a Captain...

I am my own first class seaman.... i know what to do, how to keep the vessel on course....
It is going steady, i see beautiful sunsets, Dolphins, turtle.... eat all the good food,
life the good life.... and still......
I manage.....

But, by Golly, it would sail with much more flair and grandeur... if there was an Captain on deck.....

I feel...... i feel..... a bit lost without my Captain,

wich harbour is safe...? were to rest safely....?
I Love Sundayssss...
Posted:Mar 12, 2017 3:13 am
Last Updated:Dec 11, 2024 8:38 am

The Sunday is my favorite day of the weekend!
Just to sleep in, and walk around in my 'pyjama' whole day long!.... sort of... i love it!!!

Just cleaning up my weekday clothes, do some laundery, just general cleaning day...
on a very, very slow pace.

I like that soooo much... do some gardening, do some ironning,,
all little tasks to do, wich give me so much fun....

Life can be thát easy ánd fulfilling.
Sundays and spring!!
Spring is in the air!!! You can hear the morning birds again!!
Life is coming back to us... sun! sun! much more sun!!!

Very, very carefull the first green shoot are getting their heads above the ground again!!

Nettle, leek, and so much more......

So, thats it, i go have some late breakfast! lunch and brunch together...

You too, enjoy your day!
Posted:Mar 4, 2017 9:12 am
Last Updated:Dec 11, 2024 8:38 am

I love rituals, i believe i have many.... more or less.....

i have my own little Saturday rituals.

The joy begins the evening before, by not setting the alarmclock,
I let my body make the deciscion to when i will be ready for that new day....

I also listen to a special radio program, from 12 till 14, with lots of wicked humor, i like that soo much!

Taking a shower, feeding the cat, cuddling with that big fat monstre, are all part of my Saturday rituals.

So, i go to the market, i buy Biological food ofcourse, that is only natural!
I have some special market stands, wich i prefere to buy my nuts and dades, they 'know' me, we talk and make fun with each other, sometimes, we even take the time to talk politics, it is all very friendly and in jest, we joke.
It is just an easy Saturday in town.

When i am not too late, i go visit a friend who owns a store, we talk, we drink tea.
i sometimes help him with the customers, when they want advice or such things, he has a very nice shop.

I love those Saturday rituals.

Coming home again, mostly means i have to go clean the house, vacuum cleaning, grrggr, is not a hobby of mine.
But even then, i love my Saturday! all the little rituals, visiting friends, nice and sweet.

I hope you have nice [saterday] rituals too.
That keeps you grounded, stable and sane...... i believe..

love to you all.
living off the grid, in Portugal
Posted:Feb 22, 2017 2:17 pm
Last Updated:Mar 31, 2017 1:39 pm

Some years back, my life fell apart, big time..... on all levels..... A Burn-out big time.

So i decided that it was time to just leave everything behind, sell the whole junk and move.
Away for Holland, get a break....
I decided that i wanted and needed to take things very, very slow, so i choice to travel low budget through Portugal.
A whole new world opened for me... the travel alone was really very good,
You are more then 48 houres with totall strangers together in a bus, all having the same goal; South Portugal, to some home..

Wanted and needed some grounding, go work on Organic Farms...
Get in contact with mé again... peace, quietness and tranquility.....
Back to basic.

Living from what you packed in your backback, working with your hands, eating very basic, not much luxury.

Sleeping in what ever the host provided you with, it might be a Tippy or just your own tent.... or just under the starry sky.........

it was so calm, so peaceful to not have bills coming in your postbox, to just live, and work and have peaceful joyfull meals, with people from all over the planet.
Dancing together, cooking for each other, just the bare minimum... I enjoyed it!
Make music, or go swimming, or hiking in your spare time, just bé.

i truely enjoyed myself there, that was some mindchanging event, for 9 or 10 months.
You can easily do without a whole lot of "stuff" we think we need it so much.
It made me very aware of all the ballast people collect to "have/ must have"
To fill that empty mental/ emotional void.....? i dont know...

it made my life a whole lot easier when i came back to Holland again....
You can drink wine for a jamjar even the very expensive wines...
There is soo much we do, or pretend to do, because we think others think....
getting stomach ulsers..... just to pretend that you....

So, my life is changed, very much, since that life altering travel by bus from North Holland to South Portugal....

I dont do shows for the neighbors, family anymore... pretending that i care about cars, wealth, latest fashion, shoes, fancy fake nails....
and all the rest....

No worry in the world, just day to day tasks to do, taking care of the crops, vegetables, fruittrees, or the animals, always outside in the sun!
So i did not need any trousers, sweaters, or other winter clothes!
Just some big scarfs, a bikini and that was it! oh and a sunhat of course.

I loved it.
After i got back to Holland again, i truely recommanded it to all my friends, just dó it,
It will change your whole outlook on life and on you!

Living a simple life, not too much hassle, not "needing" any fancy electronical shit, to controle your time and life.. just the bare minimum, the essentials.
Just pure and simple living... being.

I would love to be albe to go and live in the Southern parts of Portugal, the people are very, very civilised, easy to talk to, have time and patience.
Not on my own, but with a dominant-partner-friend-Master, to serve him and work together.
In a small community, a small town.

Living off the grid, have your own electrical support, your own water cleaning system, compost.
it is so down to earth, so in balance with the earth, sure you will have to adjust to all kind of new stressfactors, but that is by your own doing.
Just the bare minimum, solar electricity, compost toilet, Wi-Fi/ internet connection. running water....
Just minding your own bussniss, have a great time, living.
me and my laptop,
Posted:Feb 11, 2017 12:21 pm
Last Updated:Apr 4, 2017 12:52 am

Since last summer i have a brand new, second hand, laptop.
My former laptop i got from a girlfriend, i have friends like that...
But she was old and so slowwww, so slowww,

This new one is very hot!
It has a screensaver that is a fishtank! i love that!
It even makes the sounds of the air filter in it!!
And it starts up in a sec! Wonderfull!

I am soo happy with her.
The sound card is also very good, it is a small miracle, to me.

I am not really into all that new electronical stuff, it just have to work, thats it.
it just doesnt interest me at all.
i dont care if its last years model, does it work?
Good, i take it!

So, this new laptop, i had to move it about, because i needed more space on my working table.. So i pick it up, and all of the sudden, at the side of the laptop, there is a little drawer that open up?
What the heck?
So, all of the sudden i can watch movies on my laptop??
i am amazed!

me and my laptop.
this and that, and then some....
Posted:Jan 15, 2017 3:26 am
Last Updated:Jan 19, 2017 6:04 am

In my neighborhood lives is a couple stone martens, somewhere, under a hedge or under some rubbish.
They are nocturnal animales, so during the day you wont see them.

But by night time, they are around.
They are so ferocious in defending their territory, that they are able to kill a cat, although they are not big at all.
They have very sharp tooth and claws

So, my cat, who is very protective of his territory, has been in a fight with the stone marter.
He had scars everywhere, so i nursed him into health again, i am very good in natural/herbal medicinal use, he was very happy when i applied the medicine on to his body.

Those animals are fást, very fast, the other night i was in my garden, watching the stars and from the corner of my eye i saw something move, jumping over fences and gone!

They have such a lovely coat, their fur is so beautiful, not to wear!, but to watch.

But, now, since my cat is becoming a bit old, i feel the need to keep him in the house, during the nighttime.

He is not used to that, at all, so he let me know!
I dont want to see him hurt again by that stone marten, because this time, he was able to get away... but who knows?

He is an survivor, he lived on the streets, i fed him sometimes, but he would never come to me, or even in my house, always living on the street, or in my garden.

Then, one day, my next door neighbor and i, were working in my garden and he says to me; there is a cat walking into your house, are you oké with that?
I aks; what colour?
It was him! black and white.

So that cat choose mé, he had some very bad experience with the human kind, in the beginning he was afraid of everything!

i could not open a plastic bag, of he was gone! wide eyed, running for the door.
The sound of glass, bottles is also something that scares the living day lights out of him.
He does not like most men, their voice makes him run for the stairs.

Even now, he lives in my house for more than 5 years now, he can have his panic attacks.

He is pretty cool with me, he let me pick him up, he even let me touch his stomach.
That is pretty impressive for a cat with a bad history.

And, what i totally adore about him, he makes all kinds of very soft sound, grunts, and i, in my inmagination, believe he is talking to me, yes he is!

He is drooling too, when i am giving him his daily massages, that is a sign that he is already pretty old...

So, he is my soft spot, i love that cat, he is stubborn, goes his own way and tolerate me in my house, as his roommate, his servant, hahhaha

But he and the stone martens, are not a good mix.
Sharing territory is not working i guess

There is snow on the streets in this part of Holland! nice!! cold.... and sunny.
i got to go!!
there is not title
Posted:Dec 22, 2016 1:33 am
Last Updated:Mar 26, 2017 8:59 am

i have no message to put down here...

so this remain empty

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