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He asked about it! It was sooo funny, this man, who is taking care of my Cato Cabrio/ Karel, and more nonsense names, i use... Wanted to talk about the situation with Russia and Korea, It is a mess, ofcourse. He wanted to know my oppinion.... I felt trapped... some way, somehow... So, i said; Yeah, well, it are mén, who are creating/ making war? killing all and everything? so what do you expect from me? As an answer? He did not know, how to react. So, i asked him, do you really want to know, hear what i have to say, about all that? Yeah, yeah, he wanted to know.... Oh boy! was he in for a shock!! LOL Poor man. So, i told him, that guy in Isreal, that madman in the Us, all those old geezers in those Eastern/Central Azie? That psychopate in Russia? That very dangerous man, in government in Holland? They should have been castrated, by the age of 17, or about their first wet dream. THAT would end a lot of missery, all that women abuse, all the **** youknowwhat****\ Thát all will not take place, if those geezers are castrated. Alright, we need some guys left to help build houses, bridges, produce . The mayority of men, can easily be castrated, We are already with way too many people on this planet. So... a very ackward silence was his reaction, he stood up, walked around told me, i was scary. I told him, You wanted to know my view on this? look at it, in rational way You knów this is the solution, This will end a hell of a lot of problems, in the world, all over the planet. If the situation was the other way around, men would already have been taken care of this problem, the same way... But, oh, boy, oh boy, dont talk or touch the ôl holy reproduction system of men! The holy penis!!! Men, doctors have been using exactly this same "solution" on women in India, to put an end to the overproduction of offspring. Misguiding those women and their husbands, to come to healthcentre to get a shot, i believe it was against mumps? German Measles? , and get a radio for free, on batteries, (ofcourse) so when the batteries were dead, they did not have any use of that radio, anymore... Those women where told, to get that shot, they needed to have full anesthesia. While those women were under, they sterilized those women. WIthout their consent, without them knowing what was happening Only after some years after that socalled shot, they found out, they could no longer get pregnant. And in that old system in the country side, in India, those were needed to help work on the land... ( like here to, a long time ago) Almost no one knows this! It is all kept secret and silent. But, OOOH, OOH, dont you dare to suggest this, as an easy solution to a world wide problem, with crazy mad men destroying OUR planet... for years and years now.... Be aware of the holy penis! LMAOFF, ROFL, LOL Bow to the HOLY PENIS HOLDERS! Dont ask, if you cant handle the answer.... / solution.... Mé? radical? extreme? This situation asks for extreem solutions, if we want to safe OUR MOTHER PLANET. |
It is, maybe? a good thing, i am not the sister of mengele.....? WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! COOL DOWN, guys, nothing is going to happen to your HOLY BALLS!
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You always make me laugh out loud when I read your ideas, thoughts, etc... not because they are silly, just the opposite - they all make sense to me but the way you put it is like listening to a little girl answering the question how to solve the worlds biggest problems - let's castrate all men Although this sentence "Alright, we need some guys left to help build houses, bridges, produce children." - shows that you are such a kind soul, Rosa... you would even spare some of them... their penises too
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I wonder what he was hoping to hear...
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Exname, LOL You know mé! I like to go overboard!! into the extreme, sometimes! Opens up opportunities to make an other kind of solutions, Think outside the box, so to say!
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likeithot, Aah, well, i think, he wanted a real adult approach on this problem, with deep - not working - solutions... Like shoot all those men to Mars?? maybe?? LOL It must be the positions of the planets, that makes me react like this, i am "normally" never like this!!
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I love how you tell it like it is!
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lmao!…Holy penis he won’t be bothering you again! lol
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I find your views interesting , and also agree totally with what you have said. I'm sure some scientist has worked out that it is the excess of testosterone that causes this dominant effect in men. Far too many men in high places creating the world we see today - a typical peeing contest where you see who pees the highest up the wall ....... history is full of them, and cutting off their balls would certainly work as an incentive that some aspects of life come with a high price !! D-J xx
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bdsmDd, hahaha, ooh, he never bothers me, anyway.... Like so many people, he cant figure me out.... so keeps his distance... Fine by me.
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drmgirl, Well, you know, i know and a lot of other folks know this too, It is their way too high level of testosteron, totall lack of empathy, that make SOME "men? into killing R~ ape / molestation machiens?! dont you? " Look throughout the whole HIStory of this planet? evidence enough, i would say...
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davina, Ooh, you look great, in that pink lace? body... Yes, indeed, we agree. It s their way too high level of testosterone that makes living on this planet dangerous, for other men, women and children, nature on all levels. They will do, almost? about anything to get to the top of the ape rock, so to say.. Not having any kind of personality to be proud of, not having any level of emphaty, gained no wisdom. and, i will grant them the choice; chemical castration of real life knife works! LOL It would also be very nice and great, if men in general, got psychological tested; Borderliner? narcistic? anti~social personality traits? get them jobs without the chance that they can gain power/ leverage over others. This is also applicable to the women, with the same demon traits... Oh, and i would not call it a "dominant" effect/ trait, i would call it a bully, tyrannical, despot characteristic...
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