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rosaenaluin 65F
10695 posts
3/24/2024 5:08 am
The benefits of AI?

Just lately, i heard this, or read it, somewhere?

That "they"- who ever that may be, in your country,

Wanting to use AI, to find the non vaccin people, so "they" can force! Them, to take the needle...
Free will?
Free choice?

Surveillance society.

In China the camera's all over the place, are soo good, at recognising *you*, that if you dont stop for a red trafic light,
You will loose your credits, your job, every thing.

They make you a outcast.
Surveillance / controle society.

No democratie, anymore.

CBCD, Check it out, before its too late...

rosaenaluin 65F
11599 posts
3/24/2024 5:10 am

The peaceful use of AI.....?
Do not come crying, when its too late...

ExNameForUse 54F
6187 posts
3/24/2024 5:39 am

What can we do to protect ourselves, our personal freedom, etc, dear Rosa?
I saw today a clip where cameras for face recognition and gathering your IP addresses from mobile phones are set up somewhere in Europe... if they are doing it publicly now, imagine what has been done by now that we don't know about... so what is the way to go against it, if any? What an individual can do to avoid "crying when it's too late"?

likeithot19 63M
6652 posts
3/24/2024 6:08 am

Britain too, cameras Everywhere

sissy_sally_69 55M
279 posts
3/24/2024 7:38 am

I guess it's like everything else in life, it starts with good intentions and eventually gets corrupted.

There's old battle cry "If you're not doing anything wrong, then there's nothing to worry about"

The problem becomes, doing wrong by who's standards?

By some peoples standards, what I do is "wrong", everything about BDSM is wrong.

bdsmDOMdaddy 61M
5069 posts
3/24/2024 7:43 am

Rosa l believe AI is dangerous & bad for humanity!

drmgirl622 69F  
27147 posts
3/24/2024 2:47 pm

AI is already becoming the bane of scares me to think about whats next.

Dave54321 62M
2921 posts
3/24/2024 5:31 pm

Benefits of AI.
Recently on TV there was a program where they had used AI to check
mamograms looking for breast cancer. These mamograms had already
been checked by humans.

AI picked out all the cases that the humans had found, but it also flagged up
quite a few more, that on re inspection showed tiny cancer areas the humans
had missed.

There have also been several scientific things found, however, if we are going
to use it, we need to ensure we remain the master of the technolgy. Not AI
controling us.

Someone made a comment about good & bad.
We need to use the good, & control the bad. The problem is some countries
have very different views.

Someone I worked with, told me about when they worked in China.
Two Chinese men had been convicted of something. Half an hour later these two
men were on their knees in the yard out the back of the courtroom. Gun shot to
the back of the head in front of everybody.
Good luck appealing that one!

People should be punished for driving through red lights of course.
But the punishments you describe are over the top.

Dave54321 62M
2921 posts
3/24/2024 5:48 pm

Surveillance society.

"Britain too, cameras Everywhere."

Many years ago I remember reading, they said;
'Britain had 2% of the worlds population & 25% of the worlds CCTV cameras.'
I believe that much of the world may have caught us up now!

I believe the cameras are used responsibly in Britain, but we must remain
vigilant. I would be worried be in some other countries.

Ds_seek_sub_slav 63M/35F  
3065 posts
3/24/2024 7:26 pm

All of the AI things you described are good and bad. Yes, governments are suppose to encourage the good aspects from a mandate from the people and punish the bad. Yeah, we still got that mandate thing. Come trumpee in 2025, then watch out for the implementation of Project 2025 and the end of Democracy under trumpee.

There are a few things that trump (sorry, but the word not the name) democracy, free will, and free choice. It use to be we fucking cared about one another. Now? A phase I created comes to mind: I got mine, fuck you! No caring. For those that are susceptible to Covid and have a 50% chance of dying from Covid and can't take the vaccine, public health trumps those things we hold dear. To protect one another and those that can't get the vaccine. Fuck, we don't do that now. Measles is killing young children because herd immunity is no longer in force. I got mine, fuck you? Yup! Studies have shown 1/3 of a million died needlessly from Covid because we didn't get herd immunity. 100,000's have long Covid because folks like you DIDN'T get the vaccine to help out your follow Americans. I got mine, fuck you? Yup!

It seems like we are no longer a country or society but a bunch of people all living in the same place about to blow each other away over stupid lies about what? Facts? No. Ideas? No. Power? Yes. There have been a few democracies in the past. They all fell over this exact issue. I got mine, fuck you! A wonderful mantra to live by.....

brandygirasol 55T
9431 posts
3/25/2024 12:43 am

Rosa Dear💋 YES we all benefit from being here. We all bow down before the mighty ALT GOD🙄 .... Ha☺️

rosaenaluin 65F
11599 posts
3/27/2024 3:30 am


What we can do?
First,be aware.
second, sign petitions, against all this, they are there, online!

In Holland, the suprime court, or something like that, has for now, forbidden to use those facial recognision cameras....

There is this one city, which has cameras all over the place, people are getting worried, dont want it.... protest against it..

rosaenaluin 65F
11599 posts
3/27/2024 3:31 am

Not a good sign, i am telling you...

rosaenaluin 65F
11599 posts
3/27/2024 3:33 am

There you have it!
What is on sites like this, is wrong, connect that with the bank controle over your credit and you can loose your credits, house, job,car..... Tádááá!

rosaenaluin 65F
11599 posts
3/27/2024 3:34 am

Me, too!!!

rosaenaluin 65F
11599 posts
3/27/2024 3:38 am

It is no longer about 'punishment',

it is about having totall controle over every step every one makes,
you get a certain amount of 'creditspoints', it is terrible difficult to get more,
it is ever so easy, that you lose credit points, by doing minor mishaps maybe?
You will not know, what you did wrong, you "just"lose points.....

rosaenaluin 65F
11599 posts
3/27/2024 3:38 am

We agree.

rosaenaluin 65F
11599 posts
3/27/2024 3:39 am

Thank you for your comment,

rosaenaluin 65F
11599 posts
3/27/2024 3:43 am


Well, that got us, overhere, with a radical rightwing, racist outcome...
with ( undergrod?) connections with some neo nazi groups in Germany.....

Dont think, that is for the betterment of all.....

rosaenaluin 65F
11599 posts
3/27/2024 3:44 am

You made me giggle!
Yes, indeed! we do

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