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rosaenaluin 65F
10695 posts
11/6/2024 1:22 pm
some years back,

I met this man, he was very, very full of himself

About 'BEING' dominant.....

I never felt it, with him.
To me, he was always very nervous and all over the place, no controle, what so ever....
over any part of his life, and or eating pattern....

In the years i lost contact with this person, and i was very fine, with that,
he was totally unreliablle to me.
Stay away!! from him.
He was all talk, about bdsm, the game, the play, very into himself!

The other day, i saw him again.....
I looked him straigth in the eye and said; hello... ( just bein nice, acknowledge him, as a human being)
He got totally panicky, did not know where to look and walked on.

I was flabbergasted and wanted to laugh out loud.
Whát the heck!?

So, he too, showed his true colours....amp;
I am glad my instinct prevented me, from getting involved with him.

Just an other totally fucked up vanilla, who does not know, or understand shit about the emotional part of the whole D/s connection.

afraid of mé.......!?

rosaenaluin 65F
11599 posts
11/6/2024 1:27 pm

Bounderies? Respect?
Was not his concern. nasty piece of a human.
Did not even understood the minimum aspects /rules of humanity / BDSM,
safety? only counted for him.

I have seen what he did... in scenes.......

DancingDom 75M
23092 posts
11/6/2024 1:31 pm

You called it right, WIMP. I should get you one of those bumper stickers. Wit Wimpy from Popeye cartoons. I will post a photo of one on my blog.

"One Big Sky Covers Us All Equally"

drmgirl622 69F  
27147 posts
11/6/2024 2:51 pm

I think you lucked out by staying away from him!

bdsmDOMdaddy 61M
5069 posts
11/6/2024 6:02 pm

never deny your inner gut Rosa

rosaenaluin 65F
11599 posts
11/7/2024 1:00 am

Yes, i did, my inner alarm was red hot, when i had to deal with him.

I even worked on renovation of his house, even then, he did not respect limits, in "normal" social contact...
A F -ing vanilla creep!

rosaenaluin 65F
11599 posts
11/7/2024 1:05 am


Hahaha, i would like that!
will it fit my bike bumper? lol

cant wait to read/ see that next blog of yours!

The thing is/ was, every one! in the Dutch scene was all over him, hé was thé best!!
may i puke, please!! amp;

scary male bitches!!

rosaenaluin 65F
11599 posts
11/7/2024 1:08 am

Thank you, those times i did NOT listen, i payed dearly for that! ( and still do)

he was totally NOT in my mind, anymore, and then i saw him!
still around, still making havoc, has his own little circle of "admirers", amp;

All4TheMistress 56M  
2016 posts
11/7/2024 6:21 am

Trust your instincts!

rosaenaluin 65F
11599 posts
11/8/2024 12:59 am

Thank you, i do,

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