The group split !
Posted:Oct 7, 2024 3:58 pm
Last Updated:Oct 7, 2024 5:27 pm 59 Views
Half wanted to fuck up the simulation , the others were scared to touch or even go near it. I told them I had been working with the simulation for years. We got along, and I could expect to be rewarded for my efforts. I would inspire however I could , to bring out something amazing in people. I told them about the first law of the simulation, about how a persons mental place was attached to everyone else's ,and it was like a magnet. Attracting the appropriate response, either good or bad. If you trained yourself to be in a perfectly good state then badness would not want to mess with you. But then we have the second law , that many things are accidental, it is up to your good judgement to make the right decisions. The forth law (the third is dangerous to discuss) is that many facades surround you, altering your perception through tricks ! Some tricks I like very much, altering your looks is something I practice. Expressing the real me that way, touching an extraordinary new level of consciousness, it is this that melts away the undesirable things, to forge a new path. That new path comes to be in no more than a blink of the eye ! The eyes have it ! And you can't just hide what your eyes are shouting.
The Pleiadians looked at the object.
Posted:Oct 6, 2024 10:53 am
Last Updated:Oct 7, 2024 11:18 am 876 Views
They weren't told what the humans made it for, but its design suggested it would interact with a layer of the earth. It was creepy to think they'd exist their whole lives immersed in this layer. One Pleiadian began to laugh when they realized what might happen if you dropped the object. The fins only on one end would hold the object point first if it traveled through the air. A dangerous situation if your feet were on the ground. They all loved the idea of seeing one work. It would be obvious then why the humans made them ! It was amazing how many options the humans had in participating in what the Earth could offer. Walking perhaps, let's study that ,,,,
Nothing to see here !
Posted:Oct 5, 2024 3:48 pm
Last Updated:Oct 6, 2024 10:33 am 1383 Views
Found more sexy AI though. A fem monstrosity, (Never watched that one ) So I guess I've no excuse to not put in a work day !!! Wish me luck !
"You'll lose it, they all do" !
Posted:Oct 5, 2024 10:46 am
Last Updated:Oct 7, 2024 11:16 am 1641 Views
When the Pleiadians arrived they chose beauties to ride with them, and they explained how to interact with the simulation. A special breed known as the cloud people could send and receive messages with the simulation. They were females and had the psychic sense and long hair that served to receive and transmit messages. Their hair would bristle at times when the simulation had something important to get across. For example the simulation knew about perfecting the soul till the message in the beautiful fems eyes became clear and focused. So much needed to be done and only the most proficient workers would do . The beautiful fems had to be protected like the jewels they were. The simulation would eventually be in touch with AI which cut out the need for any organisms input. Organisms were free to just meditate and look good. The new tools could build anything too, think of the printing tools but way more complex. The many AI workers each uniquely talented added their own part to the design. It must be said that "going to the moon" was no longer a big deal and you could travel there at a whim. To enjoy a view of the Earth from afar. I wondered about my own place in all this as I was given the power to design the future as I saw fit. I merely had to concentrate and look at the clouds to shape my meaning. I had the power of souls behind me. They could not be stopped !
Hardy shore ! WTF !
Posted:Oct 4, 2024 1:34 pm
Last Updated:Oct 5, 2024 2:04 am 1732 Views
Members of the Pleiades group decided a seance was in order to contact JFK and give him the good news. Yes we got to the moon and his speech was not in vain at all. We loved all his speeches and if he could give the group another we'd spread it around. But I thought given what I already know, JFK was the perfect candidate for living another life. I watched a vid of a crowd getting off a plane but you'd notice that the ramp was not on and they disembarked into thin air ! The simulation was like that, allowing a task to be completed by the eager spirits. Another was an athlete appearing from nowhere completing a race with jubilant arms waving about then they were seen no more. It was a forgiving and passionate simulation and not the evil SOAB that some of my friends said it was. They wanted to damage it, to give it some pain and I couldn't see how you'd do that, but I thought it would be open for some fine tuning and would stand by any promises made. Like I would return with no clue about love, not feeling cheated but by their rules unfulfilled. Frankly I thought love was a sucky thing, making people vulnerable and being used, no I hated the concept. Then the mystified madam of ceremony started to chant some lines that could well have come from JFK. He spoke of the coming revolution, that man was going to achieve all its goals and rise above adversity. We could feel that ! Man would rise above adversities ! The Devil slain and thrown into the pit. It was great to hear him speak again, his noble use of words was truly inspiring and we got clues about the future. A future that was maybe written in stone. He talked about battles that would be fought and won, about how compassion defeated the corrupted and bliss would reign supreme throughout the land and hardy shore ! You mean the sea ? I remembered hard was one word in a famous speech so that kinda proved it was JFK speaking. He then spoke of the returning throng, the appointed owners of the Earth resuming what they'd lost through foul play, living in the houses they'd built. I could see how moved the Pleiadian group was. We were left with an indelible feeling of righteousness. We would take that mood and visit the crop circles. And decode the message given by the council of Pliaedians. The scout promised of the flotilla of craft that would arrive shortly with news of the events from home. How unified those seven had become. A beacon of light that stood apart in a cluster. Viewed and wondered at by the early inhabitants. They felt the connection. They'd sleep contentedly knowing that connection was there and alive !
"Whatcha name baby?" "Who me?'
Posted:Oct 3, 2024 4:53 pm
Last Updated:Oct 4, 2024 12:43 pm 2080 Views
"Velvet!" Fact is I may have seemed like a 'big top' not interested in others business ,but really I was scared of educated types and couldn't cut it with what they talked about. All I could come up with was a dumbass illogical head scratching poke at something. Like I once said to a girl, "Pity about John F Kennedy making a grand gesture of going to the moon then being shot dead the next year to never seeing it happen !" I thought I just killed it, no coming back from that one. WTH, her pack of school girlfriends had better things to talk about than poor John Kennedy living a short life. (46 he was ) But she chipped in that she thought JK was a good man and a good president and he'd diffused the Cuba thing. That was a biggy too, and I'd caught an episode of (can't remember the name) a gold prospector traveling into a deep underground place where military stores were stashed for when the bombs hit. They were rotten after so long, make you sick just opening one now. So she seemed to appreciate my lame attempt to open something, I also knew about Bud and Armstrong discussing the thing that followed them to the moon. Aliens had lived unbothered on the dark side of the moon for so long to be now bothered by inquisitive humans. I was sure humans had been there many times already, long ago in history too when the aliens befriended humans on Earth and taught them useful things. I told her I get ac strong psychic sense of something big happening in Sth America. [br[Quetzalcoatl and statues of beings with wings and weapons? Maybe even handbags, I'm sure handbags would be something that interested her. My knowledge bank was quickly becoming exhausted and I was giving up the fight. Regretting what I'd already given away. In reality it was pathetic how I'd peruse utube stopping whenever I saw a nice ass. Something to investigate? In fact I'd put myself in with the non-human, Pleiades who knew they didn't fit in. Anywhere so why pretend to? Fact is making it all work meant you had to act stupid, do stupid things even though you knew better. Act vulnerable like a fruit ready to be picked. The Pleiadians were beyond that, existing in a questioning mode not saying that anything could be answered correctly only that we didn't belong here. Earth was like being stuck on a highway a long way from home. We could never fit in here. We'd search the Earth for places though that could be like our real home among the seven sisters. Magnificent places, with natural water flowing amongst spectacular canyons. Bushwalkers could feel it too, tapping into a deep subconscious level that still knew about the world they'd left behind. They knew that in that place shame didn't exist and you'd go about your business naked, or wearing singlets with designs geometrical about natures designs built around the golden ratio. The women into that gathered in a sect, wearing their hair long and natural and it flowed down to tickle their butts. OMG, I remember the first time I met them, being invited to share in the communal meal they'd made, everyone was soon getting about naked and I felt out of place. Being clothed that is ! Some beautiful looking women looked expectant at me , their eyes looking through my thin defense of fabric. I imagined taking some steps away towards the gurgling stream and dropping my shorts letting them see my little butt then picking up the shorts and casting them away like a useless thing and turning to face them, noticing their eyes dropped to ........... Oh shit I had to get away from there !!!! One had Pleiadian tatts and woven flowery thing adorning her head. They'd even broken the code of the crop circles and would be going there soon, did I want to join them? There'd be a high from the energy they produced. Another connection to a distant place. I wondered if you could enhance the feeling of nakedness. If you did it right. Most people didn't know how to do it right! Something I must to look into,,,,,,,,
"Today we're going primal !"
Posted:Oct 2, 2024 3:57 pm
Last Updated:Oct 3, 2024 8:53 am 2607 Views
She said and we all knew what that meant. The jungle was close at hand for that. It felt nice to get away from all the troubling predicaments we'd been put in to find an answer to. Too many it seemed had given up, and the absurdity of it all festered on the tele. Good looking huddles of the pretty folk awash with money, but plagued by social issues. Money but no idea on how to make life work !! One of them was in the group too and she followed me taking the high route as there was a trail there the others didn't know about. She followed silently at a distance, taking the odd sip from her bottle. At times she caught up enough for me to see her flashing her questioning eyes. But I never answered them ,only keeping to myself where I was going and why. The others who'd gone deep into the jungle could be heard shouting to each other but time and distance quietened that. We approached a stand of ancient sandstone blocks and I'd been here before and could just disappear at will leaving the girl to find her own way. Up there the Sun's rays were powerful and the girl wondered where water could be found if she needed it. Eventually we rounded a corner of those huge blocks of stone to catch a view of the ocean on the other side. I presented to her the surprising view with an outstretched arm, "There is the place we will find everything we need." "Your bush knife we be handy too !" "For tonight we dine on what the foreshore brings and the stars will be our company." It was not hard to imagine her taking her few clothes off to wash and rinse them then stringing them on a branch to dry. She looked suspiciously at me as I imagined her naked. We worked our way down and eventually found a small rocky freshwater creek. We enjoyed the water , splashing and drinking to renew our energy. Her Amazonian good looks seemed to belong here but they'd serve her as well on a city street corner somewhere. Some would appreciate her threat and drive on, maybe to think on it and turning around if they could muster the courage. Her muscular form and brown form told of her punishing fitness routine. "Not far to the sea now !" I offered comfortingly. A snack of oysters was there if the tide was right.
Draining the coffeurs !
Posted:Oct 1, 2024 3:19 pm
Last Updated:Oct 3, 2024 8:55 am 3483 Views
Wroughting the system, keeping it functioning to extract any profit to be had. The last act is a transferable asset. Gold perhaps, and banks are accruing that. For when the fiat currency system fails completely and hard life won assets go out the window ! The nations debt evaporated some how. (Don't understand it really) But masses of gold exist and you can trade with that, fuck the paper stuff!!! Wiping your ass with it is now the only use for it ! Despite people making claims the dollar still hangs on by its fingernails. Hard to let go of it. People 'kicking and screaming' still trying to make a buck ! Property prices failing and the wash, like a tsunami on a tilting earth not knowing for sure which way to go. Better to just let it happen and write about it once it's done ! But fraud always finds a way ! I use a fem profile on F'book because of being attacked by pretend in financial stress women begging for money. One guy admitted his deception saying he needed to buy weapons to protect his farmland. Now that I believe ! But my fem profile 'cops' offers from old guys sayin they got money. A nice place to live ! Cool ! But I'm a guy too !!!!!! Guess I'm being bad, but I don't really care anymore. I was looking for feedback from the simulation, we all know life is a fakeass simulation, some call it a hologram. A professor studied 5000 soul recreation stories , checken the facts and it's there all right, souls are bouncing back through the ether bring their likes and dislikes. But with a twist perhaps, a once rich fraudster could come back to live in poverty under the fraudulent regime he created. Which brings us to the personality of those running the show. God if you will, shaping spirits for a greater purpose ! To run a distant planet or galaxy ! Galaxies outnumber Earthlings by quite a lot, numbers become meaningless to imagine that, so we count the grains of sand on every beach in the world and say there's still not enough there to represent every galaxy as a grain of sand. I tried digging the beaches, some had a dark sludge down there beyond the galaxies. A surf beach just went on forever, I couldn't even see out of the hole I was digging ! Strangers stopped to ask what I was doing, "can't you see I'm counting the number of galaxies you fool !" But then that's meaningless as we only see a tip of what the universe could be, we only see a small flat piece of it all and it's fun to come up with a theory about energy that may suggest the thing has a shape. A shape represented by dimension of scale throughout everything, from the tiniest to the biggest. Maybe a toroidal one ! Let's make our life's work in understanding the toroid ! With enough working on it who knows what we will find ? Maybe ways to power our World by the manipulation and understanding of fields. I remember a tube somewhere of Randall Carlson demonstrating something ,,,,, The future perhaps. Once we get energy 'sorted' we can just plug in our soldering irons not worrying about the consequences of our actions and plugging in our device and watch it pulsate, brimming with enthusiasm, exposing a link to the simulation. The simulation that created life. A truly complex phenomena ! Much more than a chance lightning bolt hitting a fertile gas ! Or undersea vent spewing out chemicals, no it was a masterstroke of simulation engineering who created that. And now you with soldering iron in hand had taken the same road. The road to "shabangism", splitting atoms with your axe in a young Einstein way, watching your experiment come alive ! A superconducting super computer that stores everything, the movements of people on the Earth being tracked through their phones. Another story being told there. Crimes solved that way ! Reminds me of Cloe, found just down the road from the grieved searching parents, as I remember they got a clue from social media or phone record or something, now his bid for freedom squashed, he was a real danger to people outside.
Let me take you on a journey !
Posted:Sep 30, 2024 3:30 pm
Last Updated:Oct 2, 2024 3:16 pm 3956 Views
First still your mind and lose yourself ! And listen to the teachers, and you sense that all is not right with them, that in fact they envy you ! You are young, they are old. Wise in a way to hide their grief. At losing what you have. And so it goes and some will point to the aliens saying this will be you ! Far in the future ! Physically insignificant and onlt three fingers. Now that's a biggy, the human although a mental basket case can have long hair and be an example of physical loveliness and those five fingered hands can work majestically playing music. Yes we should build on our strengths and learn to be inspired. Not to go to school to have your spirit crushed by bullies ! It was pointed out that architecture took a hit in the sixties, square uninspired monstrosities took over much or the landscape, with teachings about foolish doctrines that made it all about turning a profit. It would not last and from the crumbling remnants of another failed stab at what life should be emerged a love of simplicity. To spend time in the greenhouse, enjoying the warmth of it, listening to music with good bass. We've never found as far as I know an alien craft sporting a sound system. With giant brains you may not need it. Your first lesson class is to love music ! And never, never lose that skill ! Your designs will reflect the goodness in you ! It will in fact snowball, each trying to achieve better than the last. We must nurture a nation of inspirers , to show what is possible !
What do I need to cook food for ?
Posted:Sep 28, 2024 4:00 pm
Last Updated:Sep 29, 2024 11:48 am 5019 Views
When faced with decking out the Toyo I thought adding complications would only fuck it up. Let's make it a place to dream. A simple experiment was to put the comfy lambswool seat covers on and then a cushion between the seats to rest my arm on and another for my head, and I chose a spot where the trees were lovely to look at and I had drinks stashed around within easy reach, in the console and pockets in the doors. So I listened to my music on the headphones and must have fallen asleep and became aware that I could listen to my music and didn't know where I was. But I was warm and comfy and I could hold it there not bothered by time at all ! Car design should be shaped around comfort , a small private space to dream in.